Saturday, March 12, 2005

Victory mentality Chuck Pierce


This is a year that we must have a victory mentality. If we allow the Lord to develop a mind for victory we will enter into victory. When God is saying, “VICTORY” -- victory is the attitude we must embrace. Victory means final and complete supremacy in battle or war or a specific military engagement ending in triumph.
Victory can also mean success in any contest or struggle involving the defeat of an opponent or the overcoming of obstacles. It is now time to move past the obstacles that would prevent you from succeeding in what God is asking you to do! I believe what defeats us most is a spirit of defeat or failure. This is usually linked to our generations or some situation that we did not excel in. Satan seems to take this opportunity to put a mantle of reproach on us and a mind of fear instead of power. Stop now and declare VICTORY 10 times out loud.

One of the defining moments in history occurred when a massive earthquake shook Southeast Asia creating a tsunami that redefined the earth’s rotation axis. During that time I was reading through the Bible and read Genesis 8:5-6:

And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. So it came to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made.”

This scripture illuminated and literally seemed to leap from the page. I then heard the Lord say:

I am preparing 10 months of victory for My people. If they will develop a mind for victory, they will go from victory to victory. Just as the waters decreased that had overcome the earth, I will cause the waters that have been attempting to overcome My people to decrease. They will find themselves standing on solid ground with clear vision. Set your eyes on the top of the mountain and watch your vision develop over the next 10 months.”

At the end of this letter you will find 10 declarations that you need to make. This will be our 10-Day focus this month: 10 DAYS TO DECREE 10 MONTHS OF VICTORY!

Psalm 100:4: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.” Because I am disciplining myself to praise no matter the circumstance, I am in an incredible window of revelation. I am praying the same for each of you. I lead prayer on Tuesday mornings at Glory of Zion. We pray for our nation and the Body of Christ.

This last Tuesday I came with a clear directive of change. The Lord had awakened me at 3AM by saying:

“You are entering a battle this next week that you have not seen before. Position yourself on the wall so that you can control the enemy at the gates. Hell is positioning itself at the gates. Be ready to win the battle at the gates. Circle your wagons and fully circle the day (2-22) in intercession. Governments will shift. Establish faith in the earth this day and go from victory to victory throughout the year.
Raise the shield of faith and bring Heaven’s will into place in the earth. Declare an atmospheric shift to occur. Watch with Me while I make an atmospheric shift in this coming week. Win the atmosphere of each watch to see faith established. War for everything that has been in your heart!
There will be a supernatural release of grace over your past mistakes. Where the enemy has taken advantage, he will begin to lose his grip! I will begin to ‘clean house’. I will be removing certain things that have cluttered your thinking. I will be opening up and expanding your spirit to receive an inflow of My Spirit. I will be causing the river of your womb to contract and begin to flow in a new way. This will produce a change of course in your lives. I will rearrange your mind and thought processes. I am changing the order of My troops so the armies of Heaven and My armies in the earth can win the war at the gates.
There are sounds and moves in the night which I will produce. Grab the instruments and tambourines and hear the sounds of the watch. Dance the dance of victory. Plunder the spoils of the enemy’s camp. Become a secret weapon in My hand. I will develop a mindset in you that will cause you to advance from victory to victory. Receive the authority to command streets, cities, peoples and nations to change. I AM doing new things to realign nations. Hang on - breakthrough is coming! Stand firm - the morning is breaking.

This is a day that I would have you use Esther as your model. Put on your Esther garment of favor and find your place in the watch. If you will put on an Esther garment of favor you will overturn edicts written for destruction. You will break down oppressions that are set against My Spirit. You will release judgments that are executed through high praises. You will have revelation that will be a sharp, two-edged sword.
This Esther garment will also reposition the government and remove false counselors and position true counselors in place. This garment will cause My people to become alert, positioned and released for war. Wear your Esther garment and you will bring a fear of Me among My enemies so that they are afraid to war with you.

(Read Esther 9 and gain your "further request" so that your enemies do not rise again in the next generation. Read the story of Athaliah in II Kings 11.)

I am changing the vineyard around you, even the grapes you have grown in the past. Now there will be a change within them and they will produce a different taste and a different wine. I must bring new revelation down and surround My people now. I must lead My people in a new way to open My armory for them. This is a time when I am beginning to release new assignments that require new weapons. Begin to receive My leading and you will gain the weapons that will take you into the victory for the future.

I am smoothing out rocks in your past—rocks that you have not even been able to walk on in the past. Allow My river to rise up. Allow My revelation to flow from your inner belly. Those rocks that have been hardened and those places that have been jagged will begin to be smooth.

I have oil within you that I am pressing. Do not resist the pressing that you are going through at this time for it will produce an oil that will run forth for the anointing that is necessary to break the yoke. I am pressing that anointing now. Allow that pressing to occur so that the anointing will break you through into this place that I am calling you.

There is a release coming through My people. My people are not even aware of what I can pour through them. Stir it up and let it flow so that I can pour out of you. For I am testing My people over wisdom this hour. And if you intend to gain the authority at the gates I am calling you to in this hour, then you must allow wisdom to arise and revelation to flow. This is a different day and I am moving with you in a different way, and I am putting you into wars that you have not been in. Allow that which is deep within you to flow out.

There are tongues in My people - diverse tongues that will release the river of revelation from heavenly places this hour. Allow a diversity of tongues to arise so I can begin to illuminate My Word and release faith in the earth. This is a time of flowing out, bubbling up and running over. I am causing a new course and I am causing the bed of the river to change at this time. Release the strength and power that has been harnessed within you so the river will take its course this hour.

I am moving my troops into an order that they have never been moved into before. This will be the holy array for this age. I am beginning to position them in a way that they have not been positioned. Many will begin to re-align themselves behind those that I raise up for this hour. Submission will be the important factor for the hour. How you stand and where you stand and where you are submitted is important. Who you stand with is important during this hour. For My Issachar tribe knows who to align with for victory for the future. For I am changing the order of how the troops have stood in the past, and now they will be able to stand and resist ancient enemies.

During the night the enemy has positioned himself at the gates to prevent you from moving through. But I am raising up a people who know how to go into secret places to gain revelation to cause the enemy to retreat. DO NOT, DO NOT think you are in any defensive move at this time. For even the mistakes of the past I am going to rectify quickly in My Body. I will accelerate freedom in My people for a season. I will begin to position My people to press the enemy. This will be a season that the enemy will overplay his hand. This is not a season for him to have an upper hand, but this is a season for My people to stand and gain the spoils the enemy has held through your past mistakes.

You will go through a time of feeling boxed in. You will think, ‘Oh my, I have been surrounded. Where is this place that I am? This place is dark, I feel overshadowed!’ But this is the shadow of the Lord. This is My abiding place! I am bringing you into an inner place that you have never been before. You must come into this place that seems dark and void. In the midst of the void I will appear and I will release to you that which you have not understood before. Secret knowledge and mysteries will be released that you will carry this hour in the earth realm.
Step into that place and do not fear this hour that the Ancient of Days is releasing wisdom for you to gain victory. I will show you the future plan for increase. I will cause you to begin to position the elements of the plan together. You will move in a fluid motion to gather and assemble what is needed for your victory. I must release a prophetic anointing that has been resident in My people. Open your mouth - begin to prophesy! For the enemy has positioned himself at your gate, but through the prophetic anointing on My people he must release his hold. I am positioning you so the enemy will not have authority at the gates.

In these war times, everything that is in your heart that you are warring for is yours for the taking. Decree a decree and watch Me break forth. I am calling you into a war that is now shifting from the heavens to the earth realm. I am going to cause you to see what the enemy has been holding back at the gate. I am going to release you in a new way from a spirit of fear and timidity that has caused confusion to surround you. I am going to start multiplying you in a new way. I am going to start giving you an authority in a new way. I am looking for faith action in the earth realm.

Don’t look back. Let go! I am going to clean house! You are going to be letting go of some things and grabbing hold of some other things. You are going to be rearranging your mind. Some of you will end up in places you didn’t think you were supposed to be. And you are going to say, ‘I am not in the right place.’ And I will remind you that I am going to change the order of my troops and that repositioning is a major part of this change. You are entering a victory season and will win the war at the gates.

There are sounds in the night that I am releasing. I am calling the musicians to hear these sounds. For I am moving in the night with sounds of victory. These are sounds that will cause the gaps that have been wide to begin to be filled and rebuilt. My people will produce a sound that will remove the enemy from the gap. Things that have never come together will come together.
There are numerous instruments that will begin to resound. My musicians will even begin to diversify on what they play and how they play. For I will remove perfection and performance from My people and replace the void with the power of My symphonic Spirit. Begin to leave an instrument by your bed. Grab that instrument and release the sounds in the night. I am producing sounds that will be produced through you.”

WhiteDove Ministries March 2005

WhiteDove Ministries March 2005 E-Newsletter
FROM: Paul Keith & Wanda Davis
Shawn Bolz, & Bob Jones

The end of 2003 provided one of the richest and thoroughly rewarding revelations I have received from the Lord. It was an incredible journey into Heaven’s treasury room. I have written about this encounter in detail in "Books of Destiny."

The apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Colossians, records an encouragement regarding the great wealth we have as our inheritance in Christ. He hoped,

that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is Christ Himself in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2-3

This wealth, however, is not the riches of this world but priceless treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ. It is our privilege and prerogative to explore the depths of His heart by the spirit of revelation to ascertain the immense value of these riches.

Greater opportunity exists today than any prior generation to access God’s mysteries and secrets hidden in Christ Jesus. The prophet Daniel foresaw this privilege and wrote of it in Daniel 12. He recorded,

Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. Daniel 12:3-4

The end of days will be characterized by great revelation of God's kingdom and tremendous truth restored to the body of Christ. The time of the end will be a period of revealing and re-instating truth as well as exposing the hidden devices of darkness.

These truths will be cultivated from God’s word and communicated in a variety of ways. The arts and literature will be marked by God’s sons and daughters who live in the revelatory realm of Heaven. Painting and poetry will be taken to greater heights by anointed artists accessing the Creator’s heart. Engineering blueprints will be diagrammed by Christian architects who access the ingenuity of Heaven.

Tremendous advancement is going to be achieved in the sciences. The cellular and molecular structure of creation will be understood in this generation with greater clarity than any before.

Inspired teachers who have encountered the Teacher will bring to the Church revelatory truth that will separate the precious from the profane according to Ezekiel 44. Great mysteries of the Kingdom are reserved in God’s heart to be examined and explored by the end-time Church.

Such is the heritage of God's people in this crucial juncture of Church history. This generation has broached a "fullness of time" moment in God’s timeline. This is indeed a kairos season.

Most importantly, the goodness and glory of God will be revealed in the earth in tangible ways. Christ in us is our hope of glory. Who can measure the immense value of a life yielded to God or the spiritual wealth ascertained by possessing the nature of Christ?

An Affirmation

When I shared about the Colossians 2 treasury room during a conference in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, I received a wonderful affirmation from Gene Niederkleine, Executive Director of Elijah House ministries. After hearing my message he wrote and included a newspaper article highlighting the life of a young 10-year-old girl considered by experts as the world’s only child binary genius in both painting and poetry.

Her name is Akiane and her testimony began at the age of 4 when she was supernaturally taken to heaven to meet the Lord and receive from Him the gift of art. She is quoted in the article saying, "I met God and He took me to heaven."

Immediately following the experience the young girl began drawing portraits and sketches that greatly transcended natural abilities. She constructed detailed pictures of angels and transcribed incredible poetry to reflect spiritual truth. This was quite a feat for a toddler raised in an atheistic home without any previous exposure to God.

A Token of Those to Come

In reality, Akiane is a token of those who are being invited into Heaven’s treasury room to experience the riches of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ. According to her testimony, "God gives me a vision, I just paint it. It comes to me like a dream."

Very often she receives inspiration for her paintings during prayer, which she does every day. Many of her paintings have allegorical meaning conveying significant truth reflecting the present day spiritual climate.

She reports that God instructed her to paint all the human faces. As a result two of her most striking portraits have been of a young Asian girl and an African brother and sister. Her story and her art are so phenomenal that she has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey program and CNN. Her goal is to "draw people to God through her art and keep their attention to God through her poetry."

Lou Dobbs of CNN commented on Akiane and her gift saying, “Now what sets Akiane apart from other child prodigies is that her paintings are so realistic and so full of emotion. It is much more common for child prodigies to produce abstract art. Realism of this quality in a child is quite unusual. To see this kind of detail, the flair is just incredible! It is a gift! Amazing gift! What a remarkable young lady!”

A Russian television commentator had this to say of the art, "There are no words to describe how a little 8-year-old girl could portray such wisdom, compassion and love in the eyes she painted. The technical and emotional details along with the visual strength in her paintings are astounding and stupendous! When I have a difficult day, all I need to do is to look at her paintings. In her striking self-portrait the light literally comes forth from her… What a mission on earth she carries! Bravo!”

The quality that Lou Dobbs and others in the world struggle to identify and articulate involving Akiane's art is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes words like "charisma" or "personal magnetism" are utilized to describe the unseen quality that sets certain individuals apart who know the Lord. It is simply the favor of God and His anointing. This quality should characterize God's awakening army who will revolutionize and reform present understanding of the arts, literature, music, engineering and even finance.

A gallery of her art can be viewed at

Meeting Akiane

I shared the testimony of this young girl throughout the remainder of 2004 in various conferences across the country As a result, someone arranged for Wanda and I and two of our friends to meet this young girl and her mother at an art gallery in Charlotte, NC. It was quite a blessing on multiple levels.

We were amazed at the spiritual maturity of this young 10-year-old girl and her devotion to the Lord. Additionally, the art itself carried significant spiritual impartation.

We observed many people weeping as they stood in front of the portraits she has created of the Lord. Her most recent project reflects the Lord Jesus in His missing years.

The portrait is based upon a vision that she saw of the Lord as a young teenager. It portrays the Lord spending considerable hours in prayer receiving from His Father instruction and insight involving His life. It is quite impacting!

Akiane shared with us how the Lord will give her an open vision of an image which she then prepares on canvas. Her sole objective is to draw people's attention to the Lord Jesus.

Rejected By the Church

We discovered something amazing in our visit with Akiane and her mother. Surprisingly, most of the Church world has rejected her art and the testimony of her supernatural encounter with the Lord.

They shared with us how they presently receive over 100 e-mails a day from people claiming to be Christians, most of which are critical of her testimony. On the other hand the secular media and commercial art galleries have embraced Akiane although they have no spiritual comprehension of her art. They primarily see a child prodigy and an opportunity for profit.

As a result, we have attempted to make as many people aware of her testimony as possible, hoping that the Church will recognize this incredible gift and cover them through prayer. We cannot afford to allow another tremendous gift of God slip from our grasp into the clutches of the spirit of this world.

What is needed most is a healthy spiritual environment in which she can grow and develop personally as well as her gift. Historically, the church has not effectively stewarded individuals with creative genius. We tend to either ostracize them or overly market the individuals and their gifting.

It is our prayer for Akiane that neither occurs. Instead, we are hoping to mobilize a body of praying saints who will protect her and allow her spiritual maturity to develop in unison with her gift.

We assured Akiane and her mother that there is a receptive audience in the Church who understands her testimony and her gift. We offered as much encouragement as possible.

I told Akiane not to back down but to continue to pursue the revelation of God's heart and her art. She responded by saying, "I cannot stop... I must paint what the Lord shows me."

Fireside Chat with Bob Jones
By Paul Keith Davis

Periodically, we find it extremely helpful to release what we have identified as prophetic sound-bites highlighting areas of emphasis in the present season. This is especially fruitful to help arm intercessors and various prayer movements with strategic insight. It is not our attempt in this forum to elaborate extensively on the things spoken by the Holy Spirit but rather to convey them in a concise and understandable way.

In a dream Bob was shown a potential calamity along the West Coast that could have very damaging effect. It was something to do with the shifting of the plates within the earth creating a separation of land mass. The admonition in the revelation was to mobilize the Church in prayer so that this could either be eliminated or substantially reduced in its impact.

A specific time frame was not given in the dream but it seemed to imply that it was something imminent. Much prayer has already ascended from the West Coast for a day of visitation. We feel this would be very damaging for many people if it should occur and a distraction from the birthing of God's purposes in California.

A Release of Glory and Favor

In another dream Bob saw the Lord releasing a deposit of His glory to the earth. This was a very specific gift of God's goodness for this next season of the Spirit.

In the midst of the glory that was coming he saw a golden eagle descending from heaven with the unfolding of God’s favor. Very often prophetic releases of God's purposes are represented by a bald eagle. However, it was very important to recognize that this was emblematic of a golden eagle representing a very unique quality of God's attributes.

The Golden Eagle

In the experience it was clear that the golden eagle was specially equipped to eradicate the spiritual influences represented by a serpent…specifically a king cobra. Much of the Egyptian mysticism centered on this serpent and the unholy strongholds it represented. For us, the king cobra has been a symbol of religious spirits set against the high purposes of Heaven.

The golden eagle has also represented apostolic authority in many of the revelations the Lord has given to us. This next season of the spirit beginning this year will see a substantially increased measure of apostolic authority to deal with and eliminate a false anointing that has hindered our quest for the harvest of the ages.

Jesus himself identified this spirit in Matthew 24 as one so close to the real that it would deceive the very elect if it were possible. This is a form of religious spirit that masquerade's as the Holy Spirit but denies the power of God and focuses on works rather than grace. God is much more concerned about what we are becoming than what we are doing. Both are important, however, but our emphasis is first and foremost placed upon becoming more like Him and a reflection of His nature and character.

Removing the Curses

This grace and glory that is being released will provide an authority to remove anointed curses that have been released against churches and fellowships. Very often these curses are imposed from the pulpit by speakers who unknowingly speak from a wounded soul. This can give access to a religious spirit whose ultimate purpose is to frustrate God's plan for the fellowship. Naturally, no one would knowingly do such a thing. However, this form of deception is so subtle that well developed discernment is essential to identify it.

When a curse of this nature is released it opens the door for demonic influences to keep things stirred up in a church or fellowship. Very often divisions, jealousies, strife and other such attributes are sown to keep the body from progressing into the high calling of God.

The religious spirit also promotes fear in people's hearts in lieu of faith. The book of Jude is a clear portrayal of this nemesis and its identifiable fruit. It will emphasize the enemy's ability to deceive us more so than God's great ability to empower us. That is not to imply that we are to be ignorant involving our adversary’s plans. We are to be as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves in this regard.

The Lord is determining to lift these demonic assignments that have provided a ceiling on churches and fellowships in their quest for God.

Seven— The Number of Completion

The revelations also drew our attention to something that we initially outlined in the Shepherd's Rod 2004. We will include a portion of those revelations as a matter of emphasis for the days ahead.

In a visionary experience, Bob saw a map of the United States with the number seven (7) superimposed over the map. This was to spiritually indicate that a work of completion had been accomplished in a number of people prepared for a fresh release from Heaven’s throne. The places that the number seven laid across the map indicated a unique release of the Spirit in those areas.

That is not to indicate that it is the exclusive place in which the Lord is releasing a deposit of His Spirit. Rather, it is strictly highlighting this area for an extraordinary expression of God to be demonstrated by those specifically prepared for this purpose.

The emblem of the seven seemed to begin along the Gulf coast and expand at an angle toward the northeast with the region of New Hampshire forming the upper most portion of the numerical symbol. From there it extended across the northern portion of the United States and Canada to the West Coast and made a slight turn down around Oregon and California.

There is a finished work that has been fulfilled in a body of people who will be brought close to the Lord and His throne to hear fresh expressions from His heart. Seven is the number symbolic of completion to indicate the maturing that has transpired in those to be used by the Holy Spirit.

As the vision continued, Bob also saw another numerical seven; however, this one was inverted. This was also to indicate the completed and maturing work that has been accomplished in the realm of darkness through those who oppose the work of the cross and the Church of the Lord Jesus.

Our adversary has been at work in a body of people to equip them in the realms of darkness to oppose the fresh dimension of Heaven being unleashed in this hour. The Lord indicated that His Light will always overcome darkness and we should not be threatened by this increased opposition. When we submit ourselves to Him in complete trust, He will go before us in the battle.

Amplified Lust

Unfortunately, the visions continued to illustrate acceleration in the lust of this world for those who are separated from Christ and the destiny of Heaven. These would include the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. The enemy will fuel the passions of the world for "girls, gold and glory." Naturally these three “g's” are a symbolic representation of the snares of the adversary utilized to entrap man by the spirit of this world.

Wickedness will be elevated to a much higher level than even now present. This is the inverted seven that was seen in the previous vision involving the escalation of darkness. The distribution, availability and communication of corruption will only grow worse, if that is imaginable. Our commission is to bring divine light to help lead the many from this overwhelming darkness. It is our time to begin to shine with the brightness of God in order to respond to the elevation in darkness.

Exercising Our Authority

The church is being challenged by the Holy Spirit in this hour to take our position of authority to rebuke influenza and the spread of various other diseases in our nation. In a vision Bob saw the enemy's plan to spread fever and other illnesses through mosquitoes. The day has now arrived when we must openly, on a regular basis release the authority of the Lord's blood as a shield against these onslaughts.

Zechariah 9 depicts a battle between the sons of Zion and the sons of Greece. This prophetic portrayal is a clear representation of this next season of the spirit. The storm winds of the South over the past year highlight the inauguration of this spiritual conflict.

The sons of Zion are called to a place of intimate fellowship with the Lord. They will possess an anointing like the one that rested upon the sons of Zadok. Their call will be first to minister unto the Lord and His affection. From that place of fellowship, this company will begin to sift the clean from the unclean and separate the precious from the profane.

They shall enter My sanctuary; they shall come near to My table to minister to Me and keep My charge…Moreover, they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. Ezekiel 44:16 & 23

There will be additional windstorms in the South that will be a confirmation of this spiritual reality.

The Word and the Spirit Redux
By Shawn Bolz

Martin Luther and the Wittenberg Door

I had a vision of a hand with a hammer in it. With violence in its strokes, the hand was nailing a paper to a large door. I looked at the paper and heard a loud noise that sounded like an explosion that shook the entire heavens.

As I was observing this scene, I remembered Martin Luther nailing his thesis to the Church door in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31st in the early 1500’s. These 95 theses carried the theme that we are not justified by the Church but by faith, and that we all had the God given authority to have our own relationship with God. The main fruit of this was that Martin Luther was able to print the Bible for every one to have the opportunity of reading it; the common people were empowered to read the logos word for themselves.

Since the early church, never had the entire world changed so much. It was not revival of God’s people or a few saved in one church; all of society began to change as people were able to understand who they are to God. It was a reformation of identity and the protestant Church came out of this incredible dynamic. It affected art, music, science, business, politics, and of course the Church. Nothing went unaffected by the great revelation of God being poured out.

A Thesis is Again Being Nailed to the Door of Every Church

I saw a paper being nailed to a door in my vision, just like the one Martin Luther nailed to the door in Wittenberg, but this one although similar was different. If Martin Luther’s read in theme like this: “All people shall have access to the Bible; to have their own identity in God through reading His word and no one, not even a priest, can get in the way of this…” Then this new theses was themed with a similar message but about the Spirit: “All people shall have access to the Spirit of God; to have their own identity in relationship to Heaven by hearing the voice of God, and no one can interfere with this spiritual heritage…”

This paper I saw was the release of the Spirit of Revelation to the common person on the earth. It was like Joel saw in Joel 2:28, with the Spirit of God released on all flesh. This is available to our generation; a relationship to heaven and Jesus. As God empowers His people with a Spirit of Revelation to have the Logos and the Rhema, there is again going to be a change in all society that transpires.

The Marriage of the Word and the Spirit

I believe what a well known prophet prophesied in 1989 about this end-time mandate is essential to understand now. He prophesied that God is going to restore the Rhema word so there will again be a marriage between the Logos and the Rhema. Furthermore, it is going to bring the greatest revival the world has ever seen. The enemy would love for us to disregard or forget these powerful declarations prophesied in light of the difficulties experienced by several high profile prophetic people. However, we need to hear this message more now than ever.

A Divine Frustration

There is a disinterest and even frustration in people’s hearts towards the prophetic ministry right now. We have had several accusations against our own ministry on a level we have not had in years. One day while asking the Lord about this He spoke to me and said “The reason why these letters and communications are being spread and have found such a broad audience is because there is a root of disappointment in my people towards prophetic ministry and its ministers. I am allowing frustration within people’s hearts so that they will be hungry to have their own life of revelation and not exalt ministries to do it for them. I am a jealous God and I will not let the main source of their revelation be from a man, no matter how much I love that ministry.”

God wants each one of us to have a prophetic journey and a life of revelation birthed from His heart. This does not negate the need for the prophetic ministry but enhances it. We need prophets, but we can not live out of an unhealthy desire for them to replace our need for our own revelation. The way that most of the church treats the prophetic right now is not a function of relationship with the Kingdom; but instead we are allowing a few prophetic ministries to hold a position that God wants to be common in the body of Christ…that all of His people will have revelation and therefore prophesy.

God is Judging the Prophetic Ministry on the Earth

God is presently judging ministries of revelation, not because He is upset with us, but because he wants to make us better. It is His kindness not to leave us where we are. It’s easy to get discouraged when we see many are being disciplined, but if you see God’s heart of love, you will not feel like the sky is falling but that His heart is more present. Jesus longs for a corporate people who will cry out on earth with revelation of His heart and Word. He loves the prophetic ministry and is calling it higher. The fruit of this will far outweigh the discouragement some feel in the process.

The Modern Day Printing Press

In Martin Luther’s day the printing press was inspired by God in technology to spread the Word quickly. The Bible was given into the hands of every human who wanted it, and many other books were quickly distributed which caused world wide change as the Logos was given back to the body.

In our day God has invented the internet, television, radio, and movies. He has a goal for each one of these mediums to be used as broadcasters of His Rhema and Logos words. He allowed these inventions so He can get glory from them. Many Christians protest these very powerful communication networks because they are frustrated with the materials being put out by them. Nevertheless, the most powerful protests will be when we overtake them because we have such revelation of Jesus that we begin to use them to broadcast His name all of over the earth with fresh manna from heaven. This is our portion.

Do You Want a Visitation?

Has your heart come to a place where you don’t want another prophetic word from someone else? Have you come to the place that you just long to see Jesus and hear from Him yourself? Do you want a visitation of Him alone? This is mature hunger, and it’s being given all over the world right now.

In John 17, Jesus cries out to God: “Father I want them to be with me where I am! I want them to see My Glory.”

He wants you to be with Him, to know Him intimately and to hear His voice. In this most powerful prayer of the Bible, He expresses His longing for you to know Him with full knowledge and full understanding that can only come through the Spirit and the Word being married.

Whenever your heart groans to encounter Him, remember this: He wants it more than you do. Will God deny Himself?