Three Week Worship Intensive
1. Experience in Freedom in Corporate Worship
2. Basic Teaching and Resources in Prophetic/Intercession/Worship
3. Learning to "Do It" thru Small Groups
Pioneering Worshipers
July 2001: conversation with Graham Cook in a pub in downtown Troutdale.
What is the church is supposed to look like in this next season?
If you want to understand what I believe the Holy Spirit is doing in this next season of a life of the church, you might want to study Lewis and Clark. They represent a band of Brothers on a mission financed and commissioned by Thomas Jefferson, led by two men... shared leadership in a multicultural journey, which included Sacagawea, a Native American woman, who saved their lives more than once. They faithfully kept an accurate journal of their discovery, and completed their mission against all odds.
The Bible is filled with pioneering people. Abraham and Moses Noah Nehemiah Joshua David Jonah... Jesus. The 12 apostles and Paul, all represent a pioneering spirit.
Worshipers = Initiators
Initiators Enablers Resisters
Pioneers Settlers Structure
Point People Mass Stability
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